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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration of any other editorial.
  • The proposal file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text has a 1.5 cm line spacing; a 12-point font is used, it uses italics instead of underlined (except by the URLs addresses) and all figures and tables within the text are presented under the same format.

Author Guidelines

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Languages for publications

Book publications can be in English and Spanish.

The publication of books in English generates greater diffusion and potentially higher citation factor of the work.

In support to the authors, the UTP editorial provides the free publication of the English version of the book that is also published in Spanish. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the translation.

If a translation service is required, please contact us for further information

A 30-calendar-days period is given (from the date of the book Spanish version is sent) for the book translation to be sent.

Books in English are required to be sent to the UTP Editorials language verification team; this generates an extra charge. 


Publication format

The format for writing titles and subtitles (font, size and spacing) is free choice, title case, following the APA 7th ed guidelines. See figure 1.

Figure 1. Titles and subtitles

The authors information must be provided: full name, affiliation, email and ORCID.

The writing format for the content of the document is free choice; however, the document must be letter size and font, text alignment, spacing, indentation, and margins must be in the same format for the whole document.

Tables and figures must be placed within the document and contain a description and source.

Citations and references should follow the APA 7th ed. Format.


*The paper must be unpublished and, must not appear in simultaneously paper evaluation and selection processes in any other editorial.

*The title must be written in capital and lower-case letters.

*Authors must identify themselves with, full name, an institution of affiliation, e-mail address, and ORCID.

*Letter size sheet, justified, with a 1.5 cm line spacing; a 1.27 cm indent at the beginning of each paragraph, free font style.

*Margins: 2.5 cm upper and lower margins and, 3 cm at both sides.

*Graphs, images, charts, tables, and figures must be adjusted to the APA7th edition format (with heading title, description, and source by the foot of the same).


Quotations must follow APA7th edition.

Quotes in parenthesis must use an ampersand (&), quotes without parenthesis must use “and”


Parenthetical quotation: (Copi & Cohen, 2001)

Narrative quotation: Copi and Cohen (2001)

 Contextual Quote:

  -1 or 2 authors: first author’s last name and second author’s last name (year)

  -3 or more authors: first author’s last name a. et al. (year).  (Note: et al. must be in italics)

  Textual quote (literal):

-40 or fewer words: the phrase must go between quotation marks, and the quiet must include the page number (last name, year, p. page).

 ​ -41 or more words: quote must be in a separate paragraph, as a block (without indentation) in quotation marks (Last name, year, p. page).



Bibliographic references must be in the 7th edition of the APA format.


Author, A. A., and Author, A. A. (year). Title of the article. Title of the publication, volume (number), pages. DOI


Osorio-Delgado, M. A., Henao-Tamayo, L. J., Velásquez-Cock, J. A.,Cañas-Gutiérrez, A. I., Restrepo-Múnera, L. M., Gañán-Rojo, P. F., Zuluaga-Gallego, R. O., Ortiz-Trujillo, I C. & Castro-Herazo, C. I. (2017).Aplicaciones biomédicas de biomateriales poliméricos. DYNA, 84(201), 241-252.


Author, A.A. & Author, A.A. (year) Title of the book. Editorial. DOI


Berrío, P. A. (2018). La muerte de Andrés Valdivia, primer gobernador de Antioquia, 1569-1575. Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia

 Book with Editor

Last name, A. A. (Ed.). (year). Tittle. Editorial.


Rodríguez D.B., L. A. y Arredondo B., H. C. (Ed.). (2007). Teoría y aplicación del control biológico. Sociedad mexicana de control Biológico A.C

Book chapter

Author, A.A. and Author, A. A (year). Title of the book chapter. In E. Editor (Eds.). Title of the book (in italics) (Pages). Editorial.


González, M. (2003). La producción de resultados científicos. En B. Maltrás Ed.), Los indicadores bibliométricos: fundamentos y aplicación al análisis (pp. 59 77). Trea.


Author, A. A., and Author, A. A. (year). Title of the thesis [Type of thesis grade, name of the institution that grants the grade]. A database where it can be found. DOI o URL where it can be consulted.


Barreto, A. G. (2015). Fundarvid: una contextualización de sus neologismos en la lengua de señas colombiana [tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional UN.


Author, A. A. & Author, B. B.(year) Title of the piece of work (version) [type of software]. Manufacturer. Link


Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., Higgins, J. & Rothstein, H. (2014). Comprehensive meta-analysis. (versión 3.3.070) [software]. Biostat.

Web page

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (year, day month) Tittle of the content. Website.


Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura. (2020, 16 de junio). Proteger el derecho a la infancia.


Congress of the Union (year, day y month) number of the law. Issue. Journal where it was published. Link.


Congreso de la República de Colombia. (1993, 23 de diciembre). Ley 100. Por la cual se crea el Sistema de Seguridad Social Integral y se dictan otras disposiciones. Diario Oficial 41148.

Congresses, conferences y lectures

 Presenter, A. A. & amp; presenter A.A. (year, day/s, Month). Title of contribution [type of 

 contribution]. Title of the Conference or Congress, Location. Link.


 Deldén, M. (2019, 30 de octubre). Literacidad audiovisual: un concepto para comprender la

 historia a través del cine [sesión de conferencia]. Ciclo de Conferencias de las

 Artes, Bogotá, Colombia.

*All papers must fulfill the format norms hereby stated. Those papers which do not fulfill such requirements will be returned to their authors.


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