Entornos Virtuales y Objetos de Aprendizaje para Fortalecer el Proceso de Enseñanza - Aprendizaje fuera del Aula
iNNOVACIÓN, aprendizaje, entornos, virtuales, tecnologías, comunicaciónSynopsis
In the educational field, innovation marks a punctual attempt to improve or modify certain
aspects of education, such as the teaching-learning process, the use of technologies,
strategies of teaching practice; It should be noted that innovation is not a product of
eventualities, but must start from a planning and implementation process. The present
documental and applied research describes the importance of the use of learning objects as
support in the teaching-learning process outside the classroom. The diagnostic was made to
145 students, from the Area of Economic Administrative Sciences, Area of Social and
Humanities and the Health Area, of the Autonomous University of Nayarit.
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