“Legal Perspectives: An Approach to Labor, Business Law and Child Care Legislation”
legislation, protection, rights, childhood, tradeSynopsis
The book constitutes a fundamental resource that offers clear guidance on key topics in labor and commercial law and legislation related to child care in Ecuador. Its design provides a comprehensive and practical understanding of these legal fields, its pages highlight an organized and detailed approach, it is aimed at both students and professionals. The Labor and Commercial Law part in Ecuador focuses on preparing students for performance in the labor and business field, offering a detailed vision of the subject and the objectives to be achieved. In addition, it presents a system of competencies to develop, guidelines for study, development of structured content and practical tools such as self-assessments at the end of each unit. Its focus on staying updated with the latest regulations and trends stands out, thus preparing students to face the challenges of the work and business world in Ecuador. On the other hand, the study part for legislation and policies related to child care in Ecuador focuses on understanding the national and international legal framework regarding children, as well as analyzing the legal instruments that make up the country's legal framework. . Its objective of training agents of change committed to the well-being of children is highlighted, encouraging active participation in the debate and the search for solutions to build a better future. This book emphasizes the importance of the student's dedication and attitude for success in learning and the practical application of the knowledge acquired.
Derecho Mercantil y laboralCommercial and labor law
Legislation, policies and models for child care
Capítulo I
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Capítulo II
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