Financial and budget planning
Contabiliad de costos, clasificación de costos, elementos del costo, sistemas de costeo, estados financieros, Estimación, control, toma de decisiones, comunicación, evaluación de rendimiento, plan financiero, gestión financiera, técnicas de análisis financiero, Razones financieras, Flujo de caja, Proyectos, estudio de mercado, estudio técnico, evaluación financieraSynopsis
This is a compilation that aims to guide the study of the economic and financial
performance of an organization. Its content allows professionals and students to resort to
theoretical principles to understand the minimum processes that must be implemented in order to
optimize the resources available to entities in general. The study of costs is fundamental because
it is the variable that completes the equation of the results of operations, without which, income
measured through sales, it is not possible to determine profit. A budget is the basic tool of
financial planning, with which the resources that will be available in future short or medium-
term periods are defined and according to which items are assigned for costs and expenses that
ultimately guide the plan of operational activities. The financial analysis of the results of
economic-financial operations is addressed in this compilation so that the reader is able to
evaluate them in comparison with the planning, so that corrective actions are adopted in a timely
manner. Finally, to prepare a business project, three basic elements are offered that an
entrepreneur requires to enter the market with a new product or company, namely, the market
survey that answers the question of whether he could be sued, the technical study that defines if
it is possible to be prepared and the economic study that determines the amount of resources
necessary and if the profitability obtained is acceptable.
Cost Accounting
Financial Analysis
Formulation and projects evaluation
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