Behind the Lines: Hand Illustration of Fashion Figures and Patterns in the Digital World
Fashion Illustration, Digital Patternmaking, Fashion Figure, Fashion, GradingSynopsis
"Behind the Lines: Hand Illustration of Fashion Figures and Patterns in the Digital World" is an exploration of the intertwined world of fashion and technology. Reveals how manual illustration and digital pattern making come together to shape contemporary fashion. This book is an essential guide for those seeking to master the illustration techniques and digital tools that are transforming the industry.
Each chapter offers a learning path from fundamentals to self-assessments and practical exercises, facilitating the development of key skills. More than a technical manual, it highlights the importance of innovation and technology, improving efficiency and resource management in the creation of fashion collections.
Fashion illustration is an art where each brushstroke captures the designer's vision, while digital pattern making takes advantage of the precision of digital tools to expand the boundaries of creativity. Together, these elements are crucial to garment construction and pattern design.
The book invites readers to embark on an exciting journey, where creativity and technology merge to create a future full of possibilities. It is a work that not only educates, but also inspires, opening the doors to innovation and passion for fashion in the digital age.
Fashion Figure representation techniques
Digital Patternmeaking
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